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Welcome to the Psychology Student Society at Mount Royal University

MRU Research16

Apr 6th


The main purpose of the club is to create a community of students whose common interest is psychology, and to give these students a forum for advancing their interests in this field. This club can be considered as both an academic club and a social club. Throughout the year club members have access to the resources provided bu the club through social interactions such as meetings, awareness events and guest speakers. In addition, we have an opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow psychology students at fundraisers and parties hosted by the club.


Anyone can join! You can be a Pschology student, or maybe hoping to become one, or a student in another department who happens to have a strong interest in the field and would like the opportunity to mingle with like minded people. 


We welcome everyone, and encourage you to take advantage of the resources available here for volunteering, and for research opportunities as well. 


The Psychology Student Society strives to foster a community where all paths of psychology can be expored with the respect and aid of it's peers.

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